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Q: Is it free to register for Swiwel?

A: Registering for is completely free


Q: I have registered 3 time now and I can’t find my password.

A: Please don’t register more than once. Your password would have been sent to the email address you gave. Please check your spam or junk mail folder.


Q: I have registered, and I have not received my password?

A: This happens – Please check your junk mail or spam folder – It should be there.


Q: How can I find where to study if I know the general direction I am looking at?

A: Use the Search function. The search function works on wording as well as different industries.


Q: Can I send the link to other people to also see what is available, or is it just for specific schools?

A: Please share with to everyone you know


Q: How will I know if I am selecting the write career or career path

A: We suggest that you do some personality tests like Birkman, Meyers Briggs or any other tests provided by your school or psychologist. It is very important to know yourself before you head into a direction that is not suited to you at all. Find more information within the career corner on Swiwel.


Q: Who will get my personal details?

A: Only partners of Swiwel will be privy to your data. Ex. If you said you are interested in graphic design the only Private Tertiary institutions that provide that course will be put in contact with you.


Q: I have entered so many competitions and have not won anything – What am I doing wrong?

A: Relax – you are not doing anything wrong. Lady Luck has just not sprinkled you with fairy dust. Keep trying and your effort will pay off.


Q: I’ve been contacted by someone saying that I have won something from How do I know if this is a scam or not.

A: If you win something you will be contacted by an employee of 3RC to confirm your details and tell you what you’ve won. They will then confirm your conversation via email and request details from you to courier your prize to you.
If you win Airtime, Data or a Cash prize you will be notified and the cell number used in your registration will receive the Airtime/Data or get a e-Wallet payment.


Q: How do I know where to go? It all feels so overwhelming.

A: Swiwel was created to be fun. There is no time limit and lots to explore. Within Swiwel there are 2 Worlds: Deep Space and Steam Punk. In each world there are so many different private tertiary insitut8ions, companies and an entire World of Work.


Take your time, explore every pod and option available to you. The companies represented on Swiwel would love to hear from you. Ask questions in their pods and they will get right back to you. Also – It is available 24/7, 365.

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