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Coal technologist

Coal technologist


Coal technologists are concerned with the recovery and utilisation of all forms of coal and its by-products. They may work in one of the following major areas: Geology: Coal technologists specialising in geology conduct geological surveys to determine the location, extent and quality of coal deposits.

Mandatory subjects



Geochemists study the composition, structure, processes, and other physical aspects of the Earth. They examine the distribution of chemical elements in rocks and minerals, and the movement of these elements into soil and water systems.

Mandatory subjects

Egnlish first language
Physical sciences including Chemistry
APS Score 40+

Mine manager


Mine Managers are responsible for overseeing the overall performance of a mining company. Key duties include monitoring and evaluation of production targets, adherence to health and safety issues of an organization as well review of new and on-going projects.

Mandatory subjects



Miners work underground and are involved in the supervision of the processes of drilling, blasting and rock clearing in order to extract minerals. The ore is moved to the surface by means of rails and hoisting apparatus.

Mandatory subjects

Mining Engineer


Mining engineers design mines, develop new technology and create mining equipment in order to efficiently and safely extract minerals or metals. They often work with a team of other scientists and engineers. Mining engineers can specialise in a particular mineral or metal, such as copper or diamonds.

Mandatory subjects

English first language
Physical sciences
(Chemistry and physics)

Explosives Expert


Explosives workers examine a blast area to determine the amount and type of explosives to use and to establish safety parameters. They prepare explosive materials, pack them into blast holes, and, after detonating, write detailed records to comply with local and national laws regulating the use of explosives.

Mandatory subjects


Metallurgical engineer


A metallurgical engineer is responsible for evaluating the chemical and physical properties of alloys and metallic materials to be used for construction and other industrial purposes.

Mandatory subjects

Mine surveyor


Mine surveyors are responsible for maintaining an accurate plan of the mine as a whole and will update maps of the surface layout to account for new buildings and other structures, as well as surveying the underground mine workings in order to keep a record of the mining operation.

Mandatory subjects

English first language
Physical sciences - including Physics



Mineralogists gather, catalogue and perform scientific tests on minerals found in all parts of the world, documenting their findings in written reports and presenting infromation to their peers and other interested parties.

Mandatory subjects

Biology or Life Sciences
English Home Language or
English First or Second Additional Language

Safety Officer


Develop, train others, enforce, and audit safety standards and regulations. Document safety policies, training, regulations, compliance, and adverse events. Conduct walkthroughs and formal audits to evaluate safety needs and policies. Monitor equipment moves and maintenance, and make changes to procedures

Mandatory subjects

English first language

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